How to deal with am angry customer! March 20, 2020

You must be able to do this, if you want to grow a successful business. The idea of how to deliver bad news and how to deal with super angry customers.

  1. Do not deliver bad news by email or text message, PICK UP THE PHONE!

So make sure you call them and EXPLAIN exactly what’s going on. Why is that better, because over the phone you can hear key things such as:

  • Tone
  • Compassion
  • Emotion

TIP: If you can do this in person EVEN BETTER. Because you can see the customer and elicit the values and traits above.

  1. The customer mimics your behaviour

So don’t go on the phone to a customer and be all emotional and stressed, because guess what, the customer is going to feel the same way! However, if your call is confident your customer will be too:

Use this script to sound confident:

You: Hey (Insert customer name) how you doing, just want to talk to you about something that happened today, you got a couple of minutes to chat.

Customer: Sure.

You: ok so we (Explain what happened COOL, CALM, and COLLECTED and so will the customer be too, just like a doctor would be to you if he or she was explaining some bad news)

  1. If your calling someone and stating a problem, make sure you have a SOLUTION!

Don’t just call to give bad news! Make sure you call and explain the situation BUT you (Get Excited) showcase the fantastic solution.

Dealing with a super angry customer doesn’t happen AFTER the issue, it happens BEFORE. Its about how you pre set proper expectations.

If you tell a customer you will have something done in a week and you give it to them in a week and a few days, that’s how you get super angry customers.

But realistically if you know it takes a week to do, you simply tell the customer? …

YOU: it will probably be done in two weeks.

So guess what, when you get it done in a week, the customer will think WOW you are incredible!

So how you set the expectations in life in general will dictate the flow of the relationship.


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